Obituary Information

Obituaries were posted in the Orange County Register on 31 October 2014 and in the Springfield News-Sun on 29 October 2014. You may leave condolences and remembrances there or on any of the postings within this memorial blog.

Friday, May 8, 2015

A Permanent Monument

It took roughly six weeks for the plaque to be installed. His ashes rest in the highest row, closest to the sky. It is difficult to reach; I had to stretch for my fingertips to brush the lowest part of the granite cover. I had to stretch a little further to touch the surface and hear small echos drum out from behind the stone.

So many have joined you this year, Dad. But for those of us still here, we now have a place to meet your memory and raise a glass.

Riverside National Cemetery
22495 Van Buren Boulevard, Riverside, CA 92518
Section CN Row F Site 19

Maps to the cemetery and to the columbarium are situated below the photographs